Reading 1

Eric Malone Reading 1

Images are perceived in many different ways. Understanding how the human mind processes images is essential for designers. People interpret images based on many personal factors. These could include cultural background, age, gender and level of education.

Sensory memory: 
Iconic memory-Visual 
Echoic memory-Auditory.

Working memory:
Working memory provides a workspace to analyze, manipulate and synthesize information. Provides a way to compare new stimulus to something we already know. 

Schemas: Mental Representations. 
“Schemas form an extensive and elaborate network of representations that embody our understanding of the world.” The entire purpose of encoding information into long-term memory is so we can retrieve it when we need it. 

Information Value:

A graphic’s information purpose. “Information is a difference that makes a difference.” Every element in a graphic or composition has the potential to convey a message to the viewer.