Reading 2

Eric Malone Reading 2

“Design is about making things that are memorable.”

Organize for perception:
In order for our minds to make sense of visual information we need break it down into smaller pieces. We cannot take everything in all at once. A good designer will establish a hierarchy that presents visual information in the most meaningful order.  

Features that pop out:
“Pop out” is a scientific term? Primitive features that are most likely to control attention include color, motion, orientation, size, depth, tilt, shape, line terminators (where the line ends), closure (an enclosed space), topological properties (such as a dot inside a circle), and line curvature. 
“Two properties must differ by a large enough proportion or they will not be distinguished.” In general you should make a primitive feature prominent.

Texture can be thought of as the optical grain of a surface. When type is repeated, varied, layered or manipulated and altered it creates and optical grain that conveys meaning.


“Combining parts into wholes takes precedence over seeing the parts themselves.”